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      We are grateful for your interest in Grace Presbyterian Church and hope that your visit to this site will give you all the information you need about us. But there are a few things this website can't do for you - it can't convey to you the warmth of our fellowship, the love of Christ as it shines through His people, or the genuine feeling of "body-life" as we study the truth of God's Word together. For you must get those things by visiting us in person, and that is exactly what we invite you to do. At Grace, there is no pressure to join, because that is a decision between you and God. We simply invite you to come and visit us for awhile and see how God leads you in your pursuit of a church home.

     We can promise you two things: you will be loved - for God loved us first and we desire to show His love to others; and you will hear the truth from His Word, the Bible; for it is His revelation to man and is our highest authority in this life. So, when you are finished here at the website, come visit us at Grace Presbyterian Church in Hoover, Alabama! We think you will be as blessed here as we have been.

     Thank you again for your interest. We look forward to meeting you in person!

Our History

     Started in 1991 as Church of the Hills, we were in several locations as we sought to grow and become the church God wanted us to be. We were "birthed" in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and eventually ended up at the entrance of the Lake Crest Subdivision in Hoover, renaming the church Lake Crest Presbyterian Church.  For twenty one years, we served our Lord in that location and saw the gospel presented to many in the neighborhood and surrounding areas. 

     Concentrating in the ministries God gave us, we saw Him working in the lives of many people. Missions and Children's Ministry highlighted our efforts to extend the kingdom of God, with over 14 missionaries regularly and generously supported and well over 75 children each year participating in our annual Vacation Bible School. With several Bible Studies and a regular Worship where the Word of God was proclaimed faithfully, we have been blessed by God to see lives changed by the inner working of His Holy Spirit. 

   Several years back, a sister church was in need of a place to worship, and we were able to share our building with them for three and a half years. They have since come to us and offered to purchase the building, ensuring that it would continue to be used for God's glory in the community. We were able to relocate once again into the heart of Hoover, and began to operate as Grace Presbyterian Church. At about the same time, feeling the leading of the Lord and wanting to remain faithful to His calling; the congregation voted to withdraw from the PCA and realign ourselves with the new denomination, Vanguard Presbyterian Church.




Grace Presbyterian Church, 3829 Lorna Road, Suite 320, Hoover, AL, 35244  |  |  205.982.2807

Sunday School - 9:30 am | Worship - 10:30 am

©2023 by Grace Presbyterian Church. Proudly created with

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